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95501-ROMAN HELMET 95501-Roman Helmet
88802-50’S GLASSES-Black plastic cat’s eye frames with acrylic rhinestones. No lenses.
88801-ADULT NERD GLASSES-Adult NeRed Glasses
87012-SKIN GRAFT WITH PUS-Simply apply this one and you are instantly gross. All latax prosthetic.
85507-SEVERED LEFT LEG-Extremely realistic vinyl cut off leg. Bloody stump reveals jagged leg bone.
85057-SKINNED RIGHT FOOT-Realistic foam-filled latex rubber prop. Victim appears to, have had his skin removed revealing muscle tissue and, veins. Beautifully sculpted.
85055-SKINNED RIGHT HAND-Realistic foam-filled latex rubber prop. Victim appears to, have had his skin removed revealing muscle tissue and, veins.
85051-SKINNED RIGHT LEG-Realistic foam-filled latex rubber prop. Victim appears to, have had his skin removed revealing muscle tissue and, veins. 22 x 10 x 4 inches
85050-SKINNED ALIVE HEAD PROP-Realistic foam-filled latex rubber prop. Victim appears to, have had his skin removed revealing muscle tissue and, veins. 13 x 9 x 6 inches
85014-BLOODY HEART PROP-Realistic plasticprop. Approximately 7 inches by 3 1/2 inches by 2 1/2 inches.
85007-SEVERED HEAD PROP-Life-size screaming look, ripped off head, jagged wound with backbone exposed. Beautifully detailed, all-latex, foam filled. Head is 13 inches tall, 7 inches wide, 9 inches front to back.
84112-ADULT GORILLA CHEST-All latex white gorilla chest. One size fits most adults.